Cabut Gigi

Salah satu gigi geraham aku itu ada yang bolong, dulu mau di cabut tapi aku masih takut.
kemaren, aku makan es batu.tiba-tiba...kretek, gigku kaya kesandung gitu YaAllah suakitnya minta ampyuuuun!!
ternya gigku itu putus tapi baru setengah gitu, jadi kaya jengat-jengat gitu-_-
terus aku ceritain ke Mamaku. mamaku malah marah2 "Makane koe ki rasah ngletuki es batu meneh "
aku "yo iyoooooooo! trs ki ning dokter e kapan? "
mama "yo ssk yoo "

Akhirnya tadi, aku dan mamaku ke dokter. ke klinik Prima Medika, Taman Siswa.
Aku kesitu jam 8 malam. dan baru masuk keruangannya jam  10 malam-_-
waktu masuk aku deg-deg an bgt. akhirnya aku langsung aja duduk dikursi pasiennya.
aku gebelet pipis ciiiing.
aku bergegas ke kamar mandi yang tersedia disitu. lalu kembali duduk di kursi pasien.
aku disuruh santai dan jangan tegang. trs dokter ngasih kaya biusan gitu ke gigiku.
dan dan dan dan dicabut oh yeah sakit sekali. aku langsung netesin air mata :'''(
dokter langsung kasih kapas digigiku, dan aku gigit kapas itu.
tiba-tiba :
mama  " ini perlu dibehel ngga ya?"
dokter "saya belum tau buk, karena saya baru melihat sekilas, besok dironsen aja"
mama "oyasudah, saya sekalian ya dok"

yaAllah apa aku mau dibehel? aku ngga sanggup-______-aku takut kalau sakiiit :(

Semoga saja tidaaak :D

Gabrielle Giffords Shooting Might Not Have Prevented By Enhanced Security

Speaker John Boehner said, that members of Congress will likely step up their security in the wake of the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords earlier this month, but cautioned that even enhanced security might not have prevented the assassination attempt.

He said, during an appearance on "Fox News Sunday," I think it's also fair to say that even if there had been a protective detail there, we do not believe it would have stopped this particular incident from occurring.

After the shooting on Jan- 8, members of Congress proposed safety measures ranging from a plexiglass barrier over the House floor to additional funding for security for members, which was slashed when the House voted to cut its operating budget by 5%.

Boehner said it would be responsible for House members to follow safety suggestions from Capitol Police and the Sargeant of Arms Office, particularly changes that can be implemented without additional government funding.

Even with an enhanced focus on security, John Boehner said there is some inherent risk to the job.

We're talking to our constituents, out talking to the American people," he said, we have a very open society in America.

Ricky Martin Could Not Keep Sexuality, A Secret Any Longer

Ricky Martin has dished the dirt on why he decided to come out of the closet.

She Bangs hitmaker says he confirmed long standing rumors that he’s gay because he could not handle it any more, and wanted to tell the world the truth.

Ricky said, I’ve had two very spiritual years, two years with a lot of introspection.

I wanted silence after 25 years . It’s what I needed to be able to accept myself as a man, and to take the decision to become a dad.

I needed to be sound in mind so that they would be okay.

It could be in the city are people out in the city who won’t like me because I’m gay, and it could be in the city are people who will like me greater because I’m gay.

But if my followers on Twitter are anything to go by well, I’ve got two million of those.

Ricky Martin recently revealed he is attracted to guys who have self-confidence without being arrogant and are open to new things.

He said, I love witty, I love mental strength. Just being secure.

With all the stuff I come with, you have to be someone who is sure of himself. That turns on me.

Anybody who is very sure of themselves without being arrogant smart, witty, has a career. Anybody who is very open-minded about things. That’s what, I love, adventurous of the word.

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Female sex secrets

Most of the things about woman are not well known to men when it comes to activities in bedroom. This is because not all women will be so open to share their feelings with their male partners. Not all women have the same sex drive and this would vary from one woman to other woman but still there are certain things in sex that all woman agree upon.

It is highly recommended to encourage your female partner to talk about her wants so as to have a better sex life and this is proven scientifically too. Here are some of the tips that you can use to have a good sex life with your partner.

Woman love period sex
This is a general truth about woman but still there are some rules in this act. Partners in sex need to be clean and showered before this act of sex. A woman is bound to have a temporary vaginal dryness especially if your woman uses tampons. There are chances that you might experience a bit uncomfortable friction if she has used tampons just before sex. In such cases a lube would be more helpful. Though woman warm up quite quickly for sex, a dry sex could be painful to her and it is not advisable to straightly drive into her in such circumstances. In such cases, a period sex has more advantages derived from the hormones but there are some obstacles in this as well. Don't ever drive straight into that of your woman until and unless you have some kind of vampire desires or fantasies as she is sure to knock you out of the way.

Woman never like never ending sex
There is no meaning in driving a never ending session. No woman would ever love such kind of love making session. A man should not feel great of a longer holding capability. There are love machines, but they are also made of rubber and plastic. But humans are not machines and that's exactly a woman wants from you. Having an orgasm is always loved by a woman, but having two is sure a bonus for you. This of course does not require lengthy efforts to achieve an orgasm. Every woman has a limit and it should be understood from her feelings. Let her relax in your arms and then enjoy the smell of her hair as she relaxes. She will make you know if she wants more.

Woman don't love fingering at times
Men should understand the structure of a vagina so that they can derive the maximum pleasure out of it and also induce considerable influence of sex on the woman. A vaginal entrance has more number of nerve endings that any region deep into it. Make use of this knowledge for a lovely sex session. The main objective is to drive her crazy, which requires sticking to these zones. Never move away from these zones, which form the outside regions of vagina, just inside of it and of course the G-spot. One should not be harsh in this activity. It demands gentleness. A woman would show her wish for a deeper penetration by pushing herself onto you. It could be uncomfortable for her to have a hand or half of it jamming her entrance point. It is always better to ask her if she requires more fingers. It is advisable to have clean fingers that have trimmed fingernails.

Explore new things

Woman love exploring newer things and would never intimate the same to their partners of sex. There are certain things that women are afraid of and those may include anal sex, anal fingering, bondage, fisting, sex in the outdoors and also role playing. There is nothing so difficult or hardcore associated with these activities. Every normal man and woman does this and get lovely results out of it. To make things easier, you may swap out a sexual to do list with her and understand what she would love to try. Make this a mutual activity and you would sure to come out with newer ideas in having sex and enhance your sexual life with your partner.

Women are horny in the morning
Generally morning times or those times when it is important to wake up can be good periods for having a lovely and memorable sex with your woman. Just try to push your erected sex organ between her thighs such that it brushes her vaginal lips. Now just keep rubbing her lovely vaginal lips with your erected organ and you would see that within short periods of time she would open it up and let you in. this is to make her aroused from a refreshing sound sleep before 8 am in the morning. Even having a oral sex can work out better, but it is highly enjoyable with a thigh trick as explained before. Use saliva or any other lubricating agent to moisten the penis before the act which would enhance the sexual arousement in your woman. A woman would feel so good to have her man inside her just after a good sleep. This activity of a morning sex needs to be done only if your partner of sex is keen in doing so as not all would love to have it. There are some tips that can be effectively used to encourage your female partner in having morning sex with you.

Every woman is different and so are her likes and dislikes and also her ideas of having sex with her partner. It is important to understand these ideas from her through ways of playing games with her like those of board games that have the ability to put out these ideas from one's mind. They are also good to increase communication with your partner and thus help understand the ideas better. It should be understood that a good and better sex can only be achieved if things are put forward by both the partners openly and honestly.

Jesse Eisenberg Surprised For The Social Network’s Instant Hit

Jesse Eisenberg, star of the “The Social Network,” says that he was shocked when the film became an instant hit after its 2010 theater release.

Jesse plays Facebook founder & CEO Mark Zuckerberg in the critically acclaimed film, admits that although he along with the rest of the cast, thought the movie was “great," he never imagined the movie would get such a huge response of worldwide .

Jesse Eisenberg told recently in an interview, when we were filming the movie, we all thought it was great, but none of us could have foreseen the cultural impact it has had, Movies don’t often have the kind of impact that this movie has had. But I think a lot of that has to do with the movie being a fun and accessible vehicle for other people to discuss Facebook and social networking. I think people have wanted to have that discussion and this movie has allowed that to happen.

Jesse also admits that he is not as interested in the Facebook founder, as he was when he first started filming the movie.

Jesse said, when we were rehearsing for the movie, I tried to read up on everything I could on Mark and really understand who he was. Now that the movie is over and I’ve moved on to other things, I read about it like everybody else reads about it. Who is this guy who is really shaping a large part of the socialization of the world? It is interesting to read about him. And you know, I’m not surprised that he has become so known.

Jesse continued, I think people are interested in learning about who is shaping the way they communicate. And he has just been wonderful in what probably has been a completely uncomfortable situation because this movie doesn’t present him in a 100%, purely heroic light. It shows some flaws. It shows how he hurt some friends. I can imagine it must be uncomfortable for him, and he has just been wonderful.

“The Social Network” is up for 8 Academy Awards, including “Best Picture” and Jesse’s nod for “Best Actor in a Leading Role.” The film, which has earned over $200 million dollars worldwide so far, also won four Golden Globe Awards earlier this month.

Ernest Borgnine Receive Lifetime Achievement Award

The veteran actor favorites such as "McHale's Navy," "Marty" and "The Poseidon Adventure" seems to punctuate every story with at least a little chuckle, and more often than not, a loud and long laugh.

Ernest Borgnine was in his Hollywood Hills home recently, recounting a call from Screen Actors Guild president Ken Howard, who told him that he receive the group's lifetime achievement award, to be presents on the SAG Awards tonight at 6 on TNT (Comcast Channel 40) and TBS (Comcast Channel 18).

Ken Howard said, we have nominated you. Would you accept the fact that you are to be the winner of the Screen Actors Guild Award! Borgnine said. "And I said, 'But am I worth it! Really It comes down to that. What have I done, really? But, I'm not going to turn it down.

Ernest was career military, well on his way to a Navy pension when he came home after 2nd World war .

I knew one thing, Ernest said, I didn't want to go to work in a factory. His mother suggested he try acting.

She said, you always like getting in front of people and making a fool of yourself, why don't you give it a try?' he recalled. I was sitting at the kitchen table.

It sounds so crazy. And 10 years later, I had Grace Kelly handing me an Academy Award. Ernest says, as if still in disbelief, after all these years.

After success, he moved to Los Angeles and found a breakout role in "From Here to Eternity" (1953). Ernest then landed the lead as a lonely butcher in 1955's "Marty," for which he earned the best actor Oscar. That made him a star, and he's been working steadily ever since, with memorable roles in the film and TV series "McHale's Navy," "The Wild Bunch" and "The Poseidon Adventure." At 94, he's still working, providing the voice of Mermaid Man in "SpongeBob SquarePants" and making a cameo in last year's action hit "Red." Ernest said his philosophy about acting came from his early days struggling in New York, when he spotted a sign on a chestnut vendor's cart, It said, 'I don't want to set the world on fire. I just want to keep my nuts warm.

Ernest Borgnine said, I always found out one thing, If you laugh, people laugh with you. But if you just sit there, nothing, people go, 'What's the matter with him?' So, laugh, man.

Deborah Caprioglio

Debora Caprioglio (born 3 May 1968) is an Italian actress. Internationally, she is best known for playing the title character in the 1991 film Paprika by Tinto Brass and for having been married to Klaus Kinski (1987–1989). In 2007 she took part at the Italian version of the reality show Celebrity Survivor (L'isola dei famosi).Deborah Caprioglio beautiful poseDeborah Caprioglio cute poseDeborah

Jennifer Connelly

Jennifer Lynn Connelly (born December 12, 1970) is an American film actress and former child model. She made her motion picture debut in the 1984 crime film Once Upon a Time in America. Although starring as early as a teenager in films such as Labyrinth and Career Opportunities, she gained critical acclaim following her work in the 1998 science fiction film Dark City and the 2000 drama Requiem

Lynda Carter

Lynda Carter (born July 24, 1951) is an American actress and singer, best known for being Miss World USA and for her dual role as Wonder Woman and her alter ego, Diana Prince, on the 1970s television series The New Adventures of Wonder Woman (1975–79).Carter was born Linda Jean Córdova Carter in Phoenix, Arizona. Her father, Colby Carter, is an art dealer of Irish descent and her mother, Juana

Christina Hendricks

Christina Rene Hendricks (born May 3, 1975) is an American actress known for her role as Joan Holloway in the AMC cable television series Mad Men, and as Saffron in Fox's short-lived series Firefly. Hendricks was named "the sexiest woman in the world" in 2010 in a poll of female readers taken by Esquire magazine.Hendricks was born in Knoxville, Tennessee, and raised in Twin Falls, Idaho, from

Laetitia Casta

Laetitia Marie Laure Casta (born May 11, 1978) is a French model and actress.Casta was born in Pont-Audemer, Eure, France. Casta's mother, Line Blin, is from Normandy. Her father, Dominique Casta, is from Corsica. She has an older brother, Jean-Baptiste, and a younger sister, Marie-Ange. She spent her childhood in Normandy and Noisy-le-Grand. Casta's career reportedly began when she was

Shannon Elizabeth

Shannon Elizabeth (born Shannon Elizabeth Fadal, September 7, 1973) is an American actress and former fashion model. Elizabeth became widely known as a sex symbol for her role in the 1999 comedy film American Pie.Elizabeth's father is Syrian and her mother is of Irish, English, German and Cherokee ancestry. She was born in Houston, Texas and raised in Waco, Texas. In high school, she was very

Carmen Electra

Tara Leigh Patrick (born April 20, 1972), professionally known as Carmen Electra, is an American glamour model, actress, television personality, singer, dancer and sex symbol. She gained fame for her appearances in Playboy magazine, on the MTV game show Singled Out, on the TV series Baywatch, and dancing with the Pussycat Dolls, and has since had roles in the parody films Scary Movie, Date Movie

Holly Madison

Holly Madison Cullen (born December 23, 1979) is an American model and television personality, best known for appearing as one of Hugh Hefner's girlfriends on the reality television series The Girls Next Door. Although not a Playboy Playmate, she has appeared in nude pictorials with her Girls Next Door costars, Bridget Marquardt and Kendra Wilkinson. In 2009, she appeared as a contestant on the

Kat Dennings

Katherine Litwack (born June 13, 1986), better known by the stage name Kat Dennings, is an American actress. Emerging with a role in an episode of the HBO dramedy series Sex and the City, Dennings has since appeared in the films The 40-Year-Old Virgin, Big Momma's House 2, Charlie Bartlett, Raise Your Voice, The House Bunny, Defendor and Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. Dennings was born and

Chris Hemsworth

Chris Hemsworth (born 11 August 1983) is an Australian actor best known for playing the role of Kim Hyde in the Australian soap opera Home and Away. Hemsworth will portray Marvel Comics character Thor in the upcoming films Thor and The Avengers.Hemsworth was born and raised in Melbourne, the son of Leonie and Craig Hemsworth. He later moved to Phillip Island, south of Melbourne, with his family.

Robin Wright To present At Screen Actors Guild Awards

Robin Wright, Jon Hamm, Jason Bateman, Nicole Kidman, Jeremy Renner, Taye Diggs, Tina Fey, Dennis Haysbert, Susan Sarandon, Donald Sutherland and Sofia Vergara will be presenting at the Screen Actors Guild Awards this Sunday.

They will be joining, previously announced presentors, Alec Baldwin, Scott Bakula, Jeff Bridges, Tim Conway, Rosario Dawson, Josh Duhamel, Angie Harmon, Eva Longoria, Cory Monteith, Amy Poehler, Hilary Swank, Betty White and SAG President Ken Howard.

There will be 13 awards presented exclusively to performers in films and television. The nominees in film parallel the Oscar nominees, including "The Fighter" and "The King's Speech." In the television category, "Glee," "Modern Family," and "30 Rock" hold the most nominations in comedy and "Boardwalk Empire" and "Mad Men" are leading in drama.

This year's lifetime achievement award will go to Ernest Borgnine, who's perhaps most familiar for his work in "McHale's Navy" and won an Oscar in 1956 for his lead role in "Marty."

According to E! Online, actors who are honored at the SAG Awards take home corresponding Oscars about 75-80%t of the time.

Screen Actors Guild Awards nominations are made by the votes of a 4,200 randomly selected members of the Screen Actors Guild union, but the winners are determined by the full membership, which was 120,000 actors in 2007.

The 17th SAG Awards will air live on TNT and TBS at 8 p.m. ET on Sunday_ January 30.

Lea Michele To Sing At Next Month Super Bowl

Lea Michele, Glee actress, is slated to sing 'America the Beautiful' at the opening ceremony of this year's Super Bowl.

The Super Bowl is scheduled for Feb. 6. Pre-game coverage starts at 2 p.m., EST, and kickoff is scheduled for 6 p.m.

Lea Michele, joins Faith Hill, Queen Latifah, Alicia Keys, Mary J. Blige, Marc Anthony, Ray Charles and Vicki Carr as the only artists to perform the song at the prestigious match.

The 24-year-old star, Christina Aguilera will sing the national anthem prior to the event.