Most people get squeamish and ticklish after they orgasm. Some people love continued stimulation after they orgasm, while others absolutely refuse it because it’s too sensitive. Think about it. Your genitals are at their most sensitive and your nerve endings are on overload when aroused and approaching orgasm. It’s only natural for people to feel some sort of sensitivity. As long as it’s pleasurable and you’re enjoying yourself, there’s no reason to change things. Try this out if she’s willing. After you ejaculate and your penis is flaccid, ask your girlfriend to perform oral sex on you until you stiffen up again. It might be too sensitive but could be fun to try. How can something that seems so wrong be so right? What you’re doing isn’t harmful. You are unknowingly practicing a common early ejaculation technique called the start-stop method or  peaking exercises. You’re teaching your penis about ejaculatory control and are learning to control the point of no return (when you feel like you’re about to ejaculate). When a man practices as you do, he teaches himself to maintain high states of arousal. Sounds pretty good. As hot as vaginas are, they shouldn't burn. When I hear the word “burning,” it raises a red flag. There are a couple of things to consider. First, does the burn occur in the same area in her vagina? It’s possible there is a tear or related issue inside her vaginal canal and sex irritates it. Another possibility is the presence of an infection. She would benefit by seeing a MD for a pelvic exam to rule out both these possibilities. She may also be allergic to the lube or the latex condom. You can experiment by rubbing a condom and lube on her inner forearm and see if any irritation develops. If so, experiment with different types of lubes/condom material. Some lubes have sugar additives, flavors, and spermicides that bother vaginas. Just about anything can make the vagina extra sensitive. I’d suggest analyzing anything that comes in contact with her vagina, especially new products, and pay close attention to how her vagina reacts. Yes, you’re homework assignment is to pay extra attention to your wife’s vagina. I’m sure you’ll get an A on this assignment. Find out what happens when you wear the wrong condom size... The idea that a condom is the wrong size is more a mental fear than a reality, though it is important to make sure condoms are comfortable and securely fastened to the penis. But does size really matter for condoms? There’s only a slight difference in length and girth when comparing different condom sizes. I can take any condom and fit it on my penis, my arm and even over my head, regardless of its size (search “condom head” on YouTube for proof). Believe me, condoms can stretch to fit over any penis. Sure the magnum may feel more snug to the well-endowed guy, but is “snug” really the word you want to use to describe your condom grip? I prefer “tight,” “impenetrable” and “holding on for dear life” as condom descriptions. Regardless, each person is different, and it's important to make sure the condom isn’t going to slide off or irritate the penis. Some condom size difficulties can include a too-tight feeling, slipping off if the erection softens and discomfort. Testing out a few different condom brands through masturbations always a wise thing to do before wearing one out in the field.