Small size and Big plesure. The Size doesnt matter!

  • There aren’t any medically supported ways to increase penis size.
  • A vibrator is a great way to help your girl explore her body and erogenous zones.
  • Have hope - there are women who are attracted to people with disabilities.
  • "Also, there’s no connection between masturbation and penis size, so give yourself a guilt-free sausage tug whenever the mood strikes you."
Penis size isn’t the answer to all your sexual problems. It will serve you better to learn sex and pleasure techniques as well as relationship and communication skills. Most studies estimate the average penis size for an adult male to be around six inches and the average varies slightly higher or lower depending race. There aren’t any medically supported ways to increase penis size, so save your money on the penis slings, splints, pills, creams, surgeries, and injections. Yes, people actually do all of that to their penis in hopes of changing its size. Women prefer all sizes of penises. Think of that bell-shaped curve from your high school math class and you’ll realize that most women want average size, some want above average size, some want below average size. You’ll find women who won’t date you because of your size and others who won’t care. The tough part is searching through the dating scene to find the right women. On a side note, I’ve met three women this past summer with self-described tight vaginas, and each said they prefer a partners fingers or a penis less than four inches to the pain of an average- or above average-sized penis. Learn to love yourself, stay positive, be confident, and search for someone with like-minded interests. Also, there’s no connection between masturbation and penis size, so give yourself a guilt-free sausage tug whenever the mood strikes you. There aren’t any medically supported ways to increase penis size. A vibrator is a great way to help your girl explore her body and erogenous zones. Have hope - there are women who are attracted to people with disabilities. "It’s a great way to explore your body, your erogenous zones, and find the areas of your vulva that feel most sensitive (I’m betting your clitoris). The type of stimulation a person prefers varies, as well as the intensity, pressure, speed, and techniques that each person desires. I can also sense you have some discomfort about sex and your body. Calling your vulva “down there” and alluding to trying something yourself (masturbation I assume) tells me that you’re still learning to feel comfortable about your body and being comfortable as a sexual being. We’ve all been there and most will tell you the more comfort you gain with sex and body image, the more you will allow your mind and body the permission and freedom to experience sexual pleasure. Suggestion of using a vibrator is a great way to explore your body, your erogenous zones and find the areas of your vulva that feel most sensitive (I’m betting your clitoris). Take some time to masturbate, alone to start, and explore the different areas of your vulva with the different speeds and settings the vibrator offers. Masturbating with a vibrator takes no prior experience and you’ll master the art form real quick, believe me. I recently gave a friend her first vibrator and sure enough, she’s spending a lot more quiet nights at home than before. No matter what obstacles a person faces, we have to keep striving for joy and pleasure in life. A person with a disability is entitled to the same sexual perks as the next person. It sounds like you haven’t given up, and the spirit of your e-mail is positive and filled with hope and humor. The fact that you continue to meet women and put yourself out there tells me there’s fight in you. That confidence and desire is going to be your biggest asset. It’s not that all women aren’t into you; it’s about finding the ones that are. Let’s be honest, you have fewer opportunities for partners than most guys. However, it only takes one person to change our lives. There are people, both with disabilities and without, that would date or hook up with you. I’ve encountered friends, colleagues, clients, and one particularly hot sexologist who all have expressed desire and attraction for people with disabilities. One option that I always encourage for any single person these days is online dating. If most of the women you meet don’t seem to respond to you, maybe it’s time to search in places where partners are looking for a guy with a disability.