Mary Christmas & Happy New Year!

Marry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Be happy. Lets all your wishes comes true.

God bless you.

ESCORT69 Team.
* TAHUN BARU itu...........

"Syng, malam tahun baru kita mau kemana??"
ke cafe, pantai, nonton konser, ato km ada ide gak???syg ihh...
Pokoknya aku pengen kita keluar menghabiskan waktu bersama saat tahun baru nanti ya...
kt party...
km hrs dandan yg rapi.,

-->sekelumit permintaan seorang pacar yang menginginkan merayakan tahun baru bersama sang kekasih di tempat yg berkesan....

Mungkin sebagian orang memaknai pergantian tahun sebagai ajang untuk berpesta semalaman..
ada yg menikmati suasana di pantai -->dengan ribuan orang lainnya 

ada yg dinner bersama sang kekasih --> mengharapkan malam tsb adalah malam yg ga bisa dilupain bersama pacar

ada yg nonton konser musik --> sambil joget2 bak orang stress (eh konser musiknya musik apa dulu..kalo dangdutan mungkin joget2 ga jelas gitu seperti kebanyakan yg kt lihat di tv)

ada yg di kosan --> ini dilakukan bagi sebagian orang yg jauh dari orang tua, rindu akan suasana rumah yg rame walaupun merayakan tahun baru hanya di rumah saja

ada yg menikmati suasana malam dari ketinggian (melihat view kota) --> biar kesannya romantis sih..

ada yg kejebak macet karena terlalu antusias menikmati pergantian tahun di luar rumah

ada yg rela2 mengantri di mall, pusat perbelanjaan --> karena biasanya diskon akhir tahun gede2..*happy shopping deh 

ada yg ke bali, jogja, pangandaran...... 

ada yg meniup trompet padahal tahun baru masih dalam hitungan beberapa jam lagi --> geje banget..

ada yg berdiri, duduk, lagi jalan untuk menyaksikan kembang api yg katanya merupakan moment puncak dari tahun baru --> kalo kembang api di Paris di film Eiffel I'm in Love baru gue tunggu2.. =)

Just it all..
mungkin masih banyak lagi aktivitas-aktivitas yang dilakukan orang2 untuk menyambut malam tahun baru...

Sebenarnya apa sih essensi tahun baru ???

Apakah itu hanya sebuah malam dimana esoknya adalah tahun baru.,tahun dengan angka yg berbeda. 
tapi apakah perayaan tahun baru harus dimeriahkan dengan suasana yg penuh dengan hura hura..suasana gegap gempita..
pertanyaan ini mungkin dijawab dengan jawaban yg berbeda-beda pada tiap orang.
Begitu halnya dengan yg saya alami sekarang..
tahun ini adalah tahun yg berbeda..
saya merayakan malam pergantian tahun hanya seorang diri di sebuah kamar dengan panjang dan lebar yg cukup dihuni oleh satu orang *bisa dibilang ga terlalu gede laa...
kekasih ku sedang sakit dan teman2 merayakan dengan acara2nya sendiri..
malam ini aku hanya nonton (biasanya stasiun2 televisi banyak menayangkan film-film yang rameee) dan ditemani dengan makanan-makanan yg membuat aku bisa nduuttt..*make a wish di tahun baru..hehe..

aku sama sekali tidak merasakan kesel karena tidak bisa melewati malam pergantian tahun di luar., menyaksikan indahnya kembang api ditemani pacar...*hikksss sedihh...

Ya Allah..
pintaku malam ini..di tahun baru ini..
semoga aku menjadi insan yg lebih baik..lebih bersyukur sama apa yg Engkau beri..ibadah yang lebih ditingkatkan..bisa ngebahagiain orang-orang di sekitarku..bisa membuat bangga kedua orang tuaku dan kaka,abang yang aku sayangi..dan membuat jilbab yg aku kenakan saat ini menjadi jalanku untuk lebih dekat lagi pada Mu..

untuk sayangku, Satrya...
semoga aku bisa menjadi seorang yg selalu sayang dan cinta dengan ketulusan dan rasa menjagamu..bisa menemanimu disaat2 sulit..membuat kamu selalu bahagia bersamaku..dan semoga kisah kita diridhoi oleh Nya..

untuk sahabat, teman...
semoga aku bisa menjadi orang yang menyenangkan..bisa menjadi tempat berkeluh kesah dan tempat sharing..harapan utama adalah membuat kalian bahagia..

untuk kuliah akuu di Unisba...
semoga pertengahan tahun 2011 ini aku bisa lulus dengan prediket cumlaude..

For real life...
I hope get job and something useful for my life..can continue this college in S2..

Ya Allah...
Lancarkanlah segala harapan yang telah aku susun dengan rapih ini agar membuat kedua orang tua bangga dengan apa yg telah apa perbuat selama ini..

The big O express by Sleeping Dreamer

He caught my eye from across the room. Stolen glances over coffee. This was wrong, so very wrong. I was happy in my relationship yet this stranger sparked a fire in me. The way his eyes melted into mine, he caused my body to feel like it had caught aflame. Dangerous, this was dangerous, he was dangerous.

His dark hair, his full lips, his pale blue eyes, his entire presence caught me off guard. We flirted with our eyes over our morning coffee. I felt myself becoming wet; I closed my thighs as if to entrap my fever. Back and forth we went; I'd brush my hair out of my face or bite my lip to show the tender flesh of my wet mouth. He'd smile slightly and occasionally trying to glance under my table to see up my skirt. I made sure to open my legs wide for him, hoping that only he would notice my obvious decision to not wear panties.

I glanced at the clock on the wall, so much time had passed that I didn't realize the hour, minutes disappeared as we flirted. I had to go meet my boyfriend before we went together to work. I didn't want to but I had to. The last look the stranger gave me as I got up to leave was one of urgency. As if he wanted me to think about him, imagine his hard body, his strong hands, his engorged cock.

I settled into my seat at the back of the morning train and I thought of his eyes. The way he licked his lips after he sipped his coffee would linger with me forever. The heavy stream of commuters seemed to taper off, there were only a few passengers to be seen but no one acknowledged one another. My pussy lips were dripping as I imagined his mouth ravaging my body. I was becoming restless, shifting side to side in my seat. I closed my eyes and thought of what it would be like to feel his mouth between my thighs, sucking hard on my clit. His tongue and lips swirling around my swollen clitoris, his hands firmly on my hips pulling my pussy onto his face.

I imagined him pouring cappuccino and caramel flavored lubricants up and down my lips, indulging in the sweet taste of my pussy and of the coffee house variety. His tongue melting into my vagina, probing as deeply as possible. One finger slowly sliding into my ass as his tongue lapped up my juices.

I reached in my purse and pulled out my pocket rocket. No one would notice, no one ever does in this town. I moved my briefcase onto the seat next to me, blocking any eyes from traveling into my booth. Spreading my thighs, I reached up my skirt and moved my hand between my legs. Positioning the rocket on my clitoris, I slunk down into my seat. I thought of the mystery man, his mouth moving closely to the back of my neck. His breath hot and sticky, his voice deep and low, telling me that I was a bad girl to be masturbating on the train that was shared by men off to their windowless offices and little old ladies bound for the corner market shops.

Thoughts of him taking me from behind crept into my mind. Him bending me over the seat, holding his cock in his hand, rubbing it up and down my lips and then positioning it at my opening, pushing it hard past my lips. I wanted him thrusting into my pussy so wildly that I'd topple over at every stop. His thighs slapping into the back of mine, his hands on my breasts, pinching my nipples hard through my silk blouse.

The vibrator surged as the train darted through the underground of the city, my mind constantly on the coffee house stranger. As the train slammed to a stop, I finally orgasmed, waves of orgasmic pleasure surged over me. My legs shook and my jaw went slack. My climax was so full, so dark, so rich; I had to find the strength to bite my lazy lower lip to keep from screaming. I imagined him climaxing with me, ejaculating deep inside of me, his foamy, frothy hot cum filling my pussy to the point where it dripped down my lips and onto my thighs.

I grabbed an Afterglow wipe out of my purse and wiped my toy off, I then moved my hand between my legs and wiped my tender thighs clean. Just as I'd thrown the dirty wipe into my purse, I saw my boyfriend moving down the aisle to my seat. He smiled, I smiled. He sat down and kissed my cheek.

"You're breathless." he said.

"I am?" I asked.

"Yea, were you late for the train or something?"

"Uh-hunh, you can say that.... I stopped for coffee."

hapeku :(

waktu itu malam-malam..
mamaku ngajak anak-anaknya (termasuk aku) buat kerumah eyangku yang ada di Kulon Progo
malem itu juga kita berangkat nik mobil ,perjalanan kira-kira cuma 1 jam doang
nyampe sana langsung berburu makanan :D ahai
terus paginya kita ke pantai ,tp aku gatau nama pantainya apa --"
mungkin perjalanannya cuma 15 menit doang
nyampe disana aku mian air sambil megang hape soalnya waktu itu aku lagi smsan sama Abiyu
emang sihy waktu itu mamaku bilang "kene hapene tak gowo wae"
tapi aku nolak soalnya aku takut kalo smsnya dibukaki -,-
waktu itu ombaknya guedeeeeeee banget ,aku lagi ndodok soalnya ngempet pipis gara-gara ketawa ketiwi terus, begitu airrnya nyampee hapeku tenggelem :(
hiya hapeku rusak deeeeeeeeeeeeh :(

escort clients wishes | escorts agency services

ESCORT69 models wellknow how to make your sex life more passionate with sexy things like sexy lingerie, sex toys, strip games and so on.

Ask about additional services tha you need while booking and escort in Moscow or Petersburg, Russia.

Different games make your sex life more interesting. It will be easier to play, if you will get a special costume for sex game. It could be a sexy waitress costume, sweet baby doll or playboy rabbit. Usually you can buy it in the sex shop. It will be easier to buy it online. Such costumes you can find not just on online sex shop, but also and on mostly lingerie shop. Although you can make an interesting costume at home. For example, you can pretend that you are humble student. The main things you need are white shirt blouse, mini skirt, tie, knee-high socks. Unclasp some buttons. Then your partner could see your sexy bra. Mini skirt could be kilt or squared. Don’t forget librarian glasses, to make two plaits, be kilt, but sexy and let your fantasies go. Your partner will be surprised and your sex life will become more colorful.

Sexy lingerie

It is the simplest way to bring some passion in your sex life. Just buy some new lingerie. But don’t forget, they should be sexy, but not too open. Leave some mystery. Your partner should start to fantasize about things you going to do. Choose better transparent material, blaze colors, fishnet stockings or gloves or wet t-shirts. Your partner should dream to undress you quickly. Usually I choose this way to improve my sex life. I always find some money to buy sexy lingerie and renew my wardrobe. It always helps to bring more passion to my sex life. And I always feel sexy and interesting for my partner.

Unusual places
Maybe your sex life is too boring just because you always make love just in bed. Don’t do this mistake, use all unusual places in your home to make love and improve your sex life. For example, you can use your bathroom as unusual place to bring some passion to your sex life (read about it here “How to bring more passion to your sex life with some romantic”). Try to make love in every room you have: kitchen, dining-room, hall or laundry-room. Use this simple way, when you are doing usual things, for example, when you going do laundry, invite your partner to do this together. For sure, you can use for making love and improving your sex live not just your own home, but also and other places. However be careful to bringing more passion and improving your sex life in public places, that could be dangerous.

Strip dance
Well, striptease always helps to bring more passion to your sex life. The implements you need are sexy lingerie, right music, glass of champagne or glass of wine and good mood. Although, you can make your sex live more passionate without those things too, but just dancing simple striptease. So, start this passionate dance slowly. Don’t strip all your clothes too fast. Move your sexy body, show one naked shoulder and bring heat to this sexy dance with moving your sexy butt. Don’t worry, if your partner smiles during watching this dance. Probably he hasn’t seen such sexy dance for years. Be sure, this crazy striptease awakes fantasies and passion, and your sex life will become better.

Strip game
Usually we consider strip game like the game with cards. Probably you have seen such game in the movies. Who losses the game, has to strip some clothes. You could play also simplest game with those cards, i.e. who extracts smaller card, that person looses the game and has to strip some clothes. It is really interesting way, how to improve your sex life. You can use not just this game for bringing some passion to your sex life. Choose any game you have at home and lets get start to get passion to your sex life again.

Sex toys

Sex toys – very sexy and interesting things to make your sex life better and get the passion to your sex life again. Some people afraid still to buy sex toys on regular store. Anyway there are some many shops on the internet, where you can buy any sex toy and make your sex life more colorful. Don’t be afraid to experiment. Use vibrators, restraints or whips to your love game. For example, what you can do with such sex toy like restraints. You could play a victim under arrest or you could be the victim after robbery. Don’t be afraid to rent some porno videotapes and watch porno movie. It inspires and brings passion to your sex life for sure.

The Unexpected
What ever you choose from described ways, the most important thing to bring more passion to your sex life is to be unexpected. Surprise your partner with those simple ways. Don’t let your sex life to be boring. You should use your imagination too. Don’t be afraid to experiment and use new things in your sex life. That’s how you will make your sex life better. To find more advices how to make your sex life more passion, read related articles below.

Call us for the further info about any services that you can need while your dating with ESCORT69 escort girls.

ESCORT69 agency news

ESCORT69 Petersburg - New services for our regular clients. News models. Incall locations - provate deluxe apartments in the central disctricts of the city. FREE transfer from your hotel to ESCORT69 models. Ask ESCORT69 manager for the further information. BEST ESCORT SERVICES IN RUSSIA ONLY WITh ESCORT69.

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* ESCORT69 managers will help you to book a hotel in Moscow, Petersburg or any other Russian city. Please call or mail us for the further information.


top 5 reasons to be swingers

In the context of the 21st century, there are tons of reasons to be swingers. Yet, we know there is a lot of stigma around the reasons couples or spouses become swingers. For this reason, we thought it best to begin with the "Top 5" reasons to be swingers.

Reasons to be Swingers: #1 Avoid cheating un-willfully

Over time, most relationships tend to lose their potency. This often leads partners to cheat and results in breakups, when both partners usually want to experience sex with others. The swingers' lifestyle allows for safe, calculated ways to involve both parties in agreeing to the experience. No one is hurt in the end; instead, everyone enjoy themselves.

Reasons to be Swingers: #2 Fulfillment of Fantasies

Let's face it, most times partners are too scared to ask for something that may be considered taboo by conservative standards. What if you have a fetish or a fantasy? You could go your whole life without ever entertaining the thought. What's wrong with bringing toys, movies, or certain techniques into the bedroom? Within the context of swingers' settings, the fulfilling fantasies are encouraged. In the end, this usually leads to a happier relationship.

Reasons to be Swingers: #3 Learning new and Better Techniques

Living the swinger lifestyle allows couples to experiment in all kinds of new ways, whether with their own partner or another. Being that is the case, swinging allows for partners to learn new ways of pleasing each other. The idea is to try and test new things and continue to do those that have ensured good results. Truly, this step provides a more joyful relationship to people who may be in serious need.

Reasons to be Swingers: #4 Make new and Enduring Friendships

I can't tell you how many times I've met swinging couples who have continued to swing with the same group of friends for 10 or 20 years. They never seem to have boring or dull weekends because they're always hanging out with other couples and enjoying themselves. They may even plan out a vacation and save on expenses by traveling together. Don't be surprised at how large your circle of friends will grow once you become a swinger.

Reasons to be Swingers: #5 Transition into a more Mature Relationship

I also can't tell you how many times I've heard swingers tell stories about how they were on the fringes of divorce and tried the lifestyle, as a last ditch effort, only to find it allowed them to mature past their problems. As people age and relationships become more complicated, the swingers' lifestyle allows for an entirely new means of growing and maturing. Most times this means longer and healthier relationships between partners.

Discover more top reasons to be swingers at ESCORT69 services page.


kenapa judulnya 'Virginia Danis' ?
karena Saya akan membicrakan tentang dia .sebenernya Aku juga gatau nama aslinya itu siapa tapi bedasarkan di Facebook itu namanya adalah Virginia Danis.
waktu itu kan aku lagi menyelidi Facebook-nya Virginia Danis
Aku lihat dindingnya.
loh? kok? Ferdyna Widya Ningrum nge-wall Virginia Danis gini
dalam hatiku : emang Virgina Danis kenal Ferdyna Widya Ningrum? atau sebaliknya?
Aku beranjak untuk melihat Lihat Pertemanan
yang menyebabkan Ferdyna Widya Ningrum nge-wall itu karena..
Virginia Danis itu nge-wall gini :
Apakah Ferdyna Widya Ningrum jelek sekali?-Iya-
Aku beranjak untuk mengomentari kiriman yang dikirim oleh Virginia Danis
Aku : bantai aja Dyn -,-
Andhis : MENDES KECU! @vrgn
Virginia : Ndembik kabeh

nah abis gitu Aku nge-chat Virginia Danis :
Aku  : koe ki ngopo ?
              PENTING YA?
Aku   : biasa wae rasah gede2 aku ngomong apik2
           emang gua picek apa
Virginia : mungkin mba emang picek 

karena saking emosinya ,aku bingung mau bales apa
pas mau tak bales ,ternyata Virginia Danis memblokir Satita Dianasari(Aku)

Sekilas tentang Virginia Danis :)

oral sex

Orally pleasuring a woman can be an intimidating prospect for even the most experienced lover, not to mention the beginner. However, good oral sex can not only provide plenty of pleasurable fun on its own, something that makes it great for those interested in exploring alternatives to intercourse, but it can also work great as a part of foreplay.

Even fifteen minutes of oral sex, when done right, will have a woman warmed up and asking for more. While specific techniques are sometimes helpful, they can also be a source of frustration for the first-timer. Additionally, since all women are different, those excellent tongue tricks that work on one woman might be a dud for another. So instead of specifics, I've compiled five basic principles to help those at any level of lady licking.

1) 99% Enthusiasm.
Thomas Edison once said that, "genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration." I say that, "orally pleasuring a woman is 1% skill and 99% enthusiasm." Starting off with plenty of enthusiasm will get you much of the way. Most women initially feel uncomfortable and self-conscious at the prospect of someone focusing that much attention between their legs.

There are a number of reasons for this, but several stem directly from how little we talk about the subject as well as the popular myths that circulate in locker rooms, schoolyards, and dorm rooms. Being obviously enthusiastic will let the woman know how turned on you are at the thought of pleasuring her orally. Not only can this help a woman get over feeling self-conscious, but for plenty of women it's enough to get them turned on as well. Until you have experience, enthusiasm is your greatest asset, so use it.

2) Lego your Ego
When you're performing oral sex on a woman, there's no room for an Ego. One of the most difficult aspects of oral sex is how easy it can be to get caught up in thinking about your own performance, even to the point of forgetting that you're with another person.Don't worry about being the best lover this person will ever have, just try to lose yourself in the moment of pleasuring her.

Many of us are goal-oriented individuals. This might work well in the boardroom or classroom, but it can be a problem in the bedroom. Don't make orgasm your goal.This may seem counter-intuitive to most people, but focusing on giving her an orgasm is more likely to get her faking it than feeling it. Women are capable of feeling intense and satisfying pleasure without ever reaching orgasm, and making orgasm a goal will make her feel more pressure than pleasure.

If you're someone who needs a goal, then make it to please her until she's begging for you to take it to the next step: that way whether she has none, one, or more than ten, there's no pressure killing the fun.

3) Get to Know the Lay of the Land
Seeing what you're doing is key. If the lights are out, a candle nearby can provide enough illumination. It's important for you to get a good idea of what she looks like down there. As we should all have learned in our high school health class, if not from experience, all women have unique bodies. The more familiar you are with her particular landscape, the easier it'll be to find her hot spots. If you're lucky, or you know the woman well enough to make a suggestion before hand, having a woman that has trimmed or shaved her pubic hair can help a lot.

For those of us that need a refresher course on female anatomy, here are the basics. A woman's vulva (the science-y word for her outer genitalia) is made up of two sets of lips (labia for those of you wanting more official terms) that protect the opening to her vagina. Inside the first set of lips (labia majora) and at the place where the inner lips (labia minora) converge at the top is where you'll generally find the clitoris (which has twice the number of nerve endings as anything else on the human body). The clitoris is usually hidden under a small fold of skin called the hood, which is why so many people have a hard time finding it.

4) Communication
Knowing how to communicate with a woman during oral sex is essential. There are two types of communication to pay attention to when giving a woman oral sex: verbal and non-verbal. First, you have to ask her what she likes, and then make sure she feels comfortable updating you while you're pleasuring her. A lot of people think that this is going to be a mood breaker, but most women find it a sign of a considerate lover. Second, you have to learn how to listen to her body.

If everything is going right, she may be feeling too good to form coherent sentences. This means reading her body language. If this is someone that you know or with which you'll have multiple interactions, this is a lot easier. It is still, however, quite possible to pick this up the first time you're with a woman. There are three things to pay attention to when listening for non-verbal cues. The most obvious is moaning.

The louder and quicker the moaning the better, but be warned, some women won't moan at all and some women moan at almost nothing. Without some way of calibrating your moan-o-meter, don't rely on it alone. Along with moaning, checking to see the quickness and depth of her breathing can be a good measure of her arousal. Quick shallow breaths are best. If you can't see or hear her breathing, one way of checking this is to reach up and caress her breasts with one hand, which will allow you to feel her chest rising and falling. The last and easiest is to pay attention to her hips. The more she moves her hips up to meet you, the better.

Additionally, the more she bucks her hips or seems to be moving involuntarily in any way, the better-unless of course she has a known history of seizures, in which case you may now have other things to worry about.

5) No Hurries
Most people make three mistakes when giving a woman oral sex. First, they try to go for the clitoris right off the bat. This is generally a bad idea. Most women need to be turned on for a little while before direct clitoral stimulation can be pleasurable. Go in early and it's likely to be an overload. The second mistake is almost the opposite; they ignore everything but the vagina. Countless novices think the proper way to pleasure a woman orally is to simulate the action of penetration with the tongue.

While this can be pleasurable for many women (only the first three inches of the vagina have nerve endings sensitive enough to feel the texture of a tongue, the rest only feel pressure) it still ignores the most sensitive part of the female body: the clitoris.

Finally, many of us think that more is better. When you find that something you're doing is working because she's moaning, breathing hard, and/or moving her hips wildly, you may think it's a good idea to pick up the pace. Unless she explicitly tells you to go faster, it's best to keep up what you're doing: it's working. If it begins to be less pleasurable for her, then slowly increase the pace until she's back to bucking around the bed.

Have Fun! As long as you keep an open mind and remain enthusiastic throughout, performing oral sex on a woman will prove to be a rewarding activity for both you and her.

How To Satisfy Women In Bed

The pleasure which a human body experiences by achieving an intense orgasm is completely heavenly and no other thing can match up to this feeling. It is such a high level of pleasure that even our brain cannot exactly interpret how the body feels. It releases all the muscle tension in the body and relaxes the whole body. In this article let us find out how you can make your woman partner enjoy pleasure orgasms every time she has sex with you.

What Stops Women from Experiencing Orgasms

There is no reason why a healthy woman cannot achieve an orgasm in fact if aroused in the right manner a woman can experience multiple orgasms. The only hurdle which can cause some problems is if a woman has other thoughts like fear, tension or emotional problems she will not be able to enjoy the pleasure signals being sent by her brain as a result she might suffer from an inability to orgasm and some of them might even fake an orgasm to make their partner happy.

How To Make Her Orgasm

For women sex has a completely different meaning compared to men. It is a kind of an emotional feeling and closeness when they feel completely safe and in love with their partner. So to make her enjoy sex first you have to impress her to an extent that she sheds all her inhibitions and tell you her wildest fantasies in bed which will greatly help you understand her needs in bed as a result your chances of giving her intense orgasms increase.

Foreplay Is Important

This is the most important part which most men miss. If you straight away jump into bed and start having sexual intercourse it is not going to help you in any way because women need to be aroused and take time to be lubricated. So before having sex have some dirty talks tell her all you are going to do with her gently touch her sensitive body parts like breasts and inner thighs this way her body will get ready for sex and both of you will surely derive great pleasure from the sexual encounter.
Sudah sekian lamanya saya tidak menulis disini :(
Selamat Natal Dan Tahun Baru yaaaaaaaaaaaa :D
hmmm Selamat Ulang Tahun buat Inas Nur Hayati semoga tambah cantik ,tambah pinter ,tambah rajin ,dan bisa bikin semua orang bangga sama kamu :D hiyeeeee plok plok plok -,-

sebenernya aku bingung mau cerita apalagi ????? tanda tanya besaaaaaar
liburan kali ini Saya tidak kemana-mana. Saya hanya membusuk dirumah
sebenarnya Saya inging ke Jakarta tetapi Mama dan Mbak saya malah liburan ke Bangkok
Saya juga ingin liburan ,tetapi Saya dilarang.
kalau begini Saya mau beli pulsa pakai apa maaaaaak ?
zzzzzz Saya juga sedang berenca membangun KAMAR PINK jeng jeng :D
tapi Saya tidak mempunyai biaya -,-
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee justru itu Saya akan menabung ,doakan Saya ya :*

discreet dating in russia

To date successfully as a man or woman, you need to increase your confidence level. Some things are easy to change, while other idiosyncrasies will take some practice. One thing is certain: Nothing can be achieved without trying. If you never leave the house because you don't feel so great about yourself, then unless you use an Internet dating service, no one is going to come to you. Follow these tips give your confidence a boost, whether you're a single man or single woman:

* Establish whether you're truly ready to meet someone new. If so, then proceed. If not, take your time.
* Make a list addressing all the things you are not comfortable with about yourself. Be brutally honest.
* Establish which things you think people may not like about you and make a list. Get a second opinion, too.
* Address the way you look and the way you dress.
* Change the things you think you can do better
* By changing the most basic aspects of your looks, lifestyle and regime, you will instantly feel more confident. You will have a new you.
* Ensure you are comfortable with any changes you make.
* Make sure you are in shape or attempting to be. If you are dieting or exercising, remember to be patient as these changes will take a little while.
* Your confidence will grow as you feel better about yourself and others will sense it.
* Start to change the routines that drag you down. If you associate with people who criticize you, lose them fast.
* Start doing the things you wish you had always had the courage to do, like a hobby, sport or society. Don't look back.
* Learn to enjoy the smaller things in life and give yourself time specifically for these things. If you like to cook for friends, then start having dinner parties. Don't wait for others to invite you out.
* Stop accepting second best. Start making yourself the first priority.
* By looking and feeling good about yourself and widening your horizons, your life will begin to change for the better and your confidence levels will go up.
* Be selective about what kind of person you really like. And by the same token, talk to everyone. The more people who are interested, the higher your confidence levels.
* Start dating. If someone asks you out, accept.
* Set yourself some life goals as well as romantic goals. Other people love to be associated with driven and goal-orientated people. Confidence breeds confidence.
* Be proactive and ask someone out. Just do it, and accept freely that some people will say no. Many will also say yes.
* Learn to like and love yourself for who you are and what you want from your life. Do not allow negative family comments to influence you in any way.
* Make conversation with the nice people you meet along the way.
* Walk away from anything you don't like and instill a positive mental attitude in everything you do.
* Stick with it and just keep going. Don't go back to what there was before. That's over.

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South Park wallpaper
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risky sex review & advices

Risky sex
Wise up to the most common sex scenarios putting your welfare at risk.
"He says he'll pull out before he cums"
The so-called 'withdrawal method' should not be considered a reliable form of contraception if you're trying to avoid a pregnancy. Firstly, the sticky drops of fluid ('pre-cum') that start to come out of the penis when it becomes erect do contain sperm, and it only takes one sperm to cause a pregnancy. Secondly, it's easy to get carried away in the heat of the moment, and he might not be able to hold back anyway. And finally, unprotected sex places you both at risk from sexually transmitted infections. Using condoms will give you better peace of mind.
When it comes to sex, does drinking booze increase your chances of taking risks? 
"I don't have any diseases, I don't screw around"
Unless you are both in a stable and monogamous relationship, and have already been tested for all STIs, there is still a risk. It is possible to have a sexually transmitted disease and not even know that you're infected, especially if you're female. Also, if your partner has been unfaithful to you, they may well lie about it and try to cover it up. Some infections can be spread by other contact, such as drug users sharing dirty needles, so even a virgin can catch something likeHIV or hepatitis and pass it on.
"You'd do it if you loved me"
Sex is all about choices, and consent. If you really don't want to do something, don't be scared to say no. A decent, caring partner will understand and respect your decision. If anyone tries to pressurise you or force you into doing something you don't want to do, think hard about whether you want to continue the relationship. You may decide that you're better off without them, no matter how much you love them. If a boyfriend or girlfriend threatens to dump you for not providing sexual favours, give them the shove first, and don't take any emotional abuse.
"I was so out of it, I can't really remember..."
Although nobody has the right to do anything sexual to you without your consent, if you're getting completely off your head on drink and drugs on a regular basis, you could be putting yourself at risk. It's easy to forget about safer sex or even general personal safety if your judgement is seriously impaired. Some people just need to cut down a little, but for others it's a complex issue that relates to their self-esteem. On a similar note, although drug-related sexual assaults are rare, it's worth knowing how to protect yourself, and look out for your friends.

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menstrual sex faq

    Condoms aren't as bad as guys make them out to be.
    Talk to your partner about menstrual sex and decide on some ground rules.
    Don't place too much pressure on yourself to make your partner orgasm.
    "All they do is protect us from infections and from becoming fathers, but all we do in return is give condoms a hard time."
    Sometimes condoms get a bad rap. All they do is protect us from infections and from becoming fathers, but all we do in return is give condoms a hard time. Where’s the love? Condoms themselves shouldn’t cause UTIs for men unless they’re carrying bacteria. UTIs are most commonly associated with bacteria in the urethra, kidneys and bladder, as well as weak immune systems. Keep in mind that a condom is more likely to be exposed to bacteria from contact with the hands, mouth and anus. But there is research that suggests women whose male partners use a condom and spermicide appear to have increased amounts of E. coli bacteria in the vagina, which can lead to a UTI. Also, some people have allergic reactions to the condom material (usually latex) or the spermicide/lube, which can resemble a UTI. As for the male libido, some people have a psychological reaction to using condoms that can affect their libido. Knowing that using a condom can decrease his sensitivity, sensation and possibly impact his erection can mess with the mind. But is that really the condom’s fault? What percentage of men are actually OK with having sex with women on their period of menstruation? The percentage of men who are OK with menstrual sex depends on age, culture and spirituality/religion. Unfortunately, more guys aren’t OK with menstrual sex than those who are fine with it. The important part to focus on is that your boyfriend was willing to try it. It sounds like taking some precautions beforehand can help the next experience be more memorable for the right reasons. Laying down a towel beforehand, wearing a condom, choosing a day with a lighter flow, and showering can all help ease menstrual sex anxiety. Some people establish menstrual sex rules like no fingering or cunnilingus. It’s all about changing your perception of menstrual sex so that it is positive, fun and not a big deal. Also, you’re right about the help that menstrual sex has with cramping. Intercourse and having orgasms has been associated with relief of menstrual cramps, because they help release the muscular tension that’s been built up in the back and pelvic region. I’d suggest you and your boyfriend be honest, share your thoughts and feelings, and talk about ways you can both set the stage for a pleasurable and enjoyable second menstrual sex adventure. Wouldn’t take it personally that your girlfriend hasn’t had an orgasm from intercourse -- it’s more common than you think. Most women reach orgasm in a variety of ways, and placing emphasis on one particular method often puts too much pressure on both partners. This is likely something she’s dealt with before you ever came into the picture, so it’s not just you. Most postmodern sexologists believe orgasm is the responsibility of the individual. The important part is that she is able to share an orgasm with you during foreplay and other activities. I wouldn’t put pressure on you or her to prove her wrong. That doesn’t mean you both can’t try new toys (a vibrating cock ring or vibrator) or activities to add to the pleasure you already experienced. A common technique that attempts to incorporate orgasm with penetration is called the bridge technique. In short, you stimulate her in the manner that helps her reach orgasm (oral, fingers, etc). Before she reaches orgasm, you insert your penis and “bridge” intercourse with orgasm. You can continue the stimulation that helped her get to the point of orgasm (likely clitoral stimulation) along with the penetration, or penetration only. As you get the hang of it, you can both experiment with elongating the time you bridge. One drawback as a male is that you would have to be ready, aroused and erect when she reaches the point of orgasm, which adds to male erectile performance pressure. Who knows, an intercourse orgasm may sneak up on you if you both can find ways to take the pressure off. Remember, orgasm shouldn’t be the goal of sex but should be a part of the sexual process. I think pleasure and enjoyment are more realistic goals. 

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Small size and Big plesure. The Size doesnt matter!

  • There aren’t any medically supported ways to increase penis size.
  • A vibrator is a great way to help your girl explore her body and erogenous zones.
  • Have hope - there are women who are attracted to people with disabilities.
  • "Also, there’s no connection between masturbation and penis size, so give yourself a guilt-free sausage tug whenever the mood strikes you."
Penis size isn’t the answer to all your sexual problems. It will serve you better to learn sex and pleasure techniques as well as relationship and communication skills. Most studies estimate the average penis size for an adult male to be around six inches and the average varies slightly higher or lower depending race. There aren’t any medically supported ways to increase penis size, so save your money on the penis slings, splints, pills, creams, surgeries, and injections. Yes, people actually do all of that to their penis in hopes of changing its size. Women prefer all sizes of penises. Think of that bell-shaped curve from your high school math class and you’ll realize that most women want average size, some want above average size, some want below average size. You’ll find women who won’t date you because of your size and others who won’t care. The tough part is searching through the dating scene to find the right women. On a side note, I’ve met three women this past summer with self-described tight vaginas, and each said they prefer a partners fingers or a penis less than four inches to the pain of an average- or above average-sized penis. Learn to love yourself, stay positive, be confident, and search for someone with like-minded interests. Also, there’s no connection between masturbation and penis size, so give yourself a guilt-free sausage tug whenever the mood strikes you. There aren’t any medically supported ways to increase penis size. A vibrator is a great way to help your girl explore her body and erogenous zones. Have hope - there are women who are attracted to people with disabilities. "It’s a great way to explore your body, your erogenous zones, and find the areas of your vulva that feel most sensitive (I’m betting your clitoris). The type of stimulation a person prefers varies, as well as the intensity, pressure, speed, and techniques that each person desires. I can also sense you have some discomfort about sex and your body. Calling your vulva “down there” and alluding to trying something yourself (masturbation I assume) tells me that you’re still learning to feel comfortable about your body and being comfortable as a sexual being. We’ve all been there and most will tell you the more comfort you gain with sex and body image, the more you will allow your mind and body the permission and freedom to experience sexual pleasure. Suggestion of using a vibrator is a great way to explore your body, your erogenous zones and find the areas of your vulva that feel most sensitive (I’m betting your clitoris). Take some time to masturbate, alone to start, and explore the different areas of your vulva with the different speeds and settings the vibrator offers. Masturbating with a vibrator takes no prior experience and you’ll master the art form real quick, believe me. I recently gave a friend her first vibrator and sure enough, she’s spending a lot more quiet nights at home than before. No matter what obstacles a person faces, we have to keep striving for joy and pleasure in life. A person with a disability is entitled to the same sexual perks as the next person. It sounds like you haven’t given up, and the spirit of your e-mail is positive and filled with hope and humor. The fact that you continue to meet women and put yourself out there tells me there’s fight in you. That confidence and desire is going to be your biggest asset. It’s not that all women aren’t into you; it’s about finding the ones that are. Let’s be honest, you have fewer opportunities for partners than most guys. However, it only takes one person to change our lives. There are people, both with disabilities and without, that would date or hook up with you. I’ve encountered friends, colleagues, clients, and one particularly hot sexologist who all have expressed desire and attraction for people with disabilities. One option that I always encourage for any single person these days is online dating. If most of the women you meet don’t seem to respond to you, maybe it’s time to search in places where partners are looking for a guy with a disability.


Most people get squeamish and ticklish after they orgasm. Some people love continued stimulation after they orgasm, while others absolutely refuse it because it’s too sensitive. Think about it. Your genitals are at their most sensitive and your nerve endings are on overload when aroused and approaching orgasm. It’s only natural for people to feel some sort of sensitivity. As long as it’s pleasurable and you’re enjoying yourself, there’s no reason to change things. Try this out if she’s willing. After you ejaculate and your penis is flaccid, ask your girlfriend to perform oral sex on you until you stiffen up again. It might be too sensitive but could be fun to try. How can something that seems so wrong be so right? What you’re doing isn’t harmful. You are unknowingly practicing a common early ejaculation technique called the start-stop method or  peaking exercises. You’re teaching your penis about ejaculatory control and are learning to control the point of no return (when you feel like you’re about to ejaculate). When a man practices as you do, he teaches himself to maintain high states of arousal. Sounds pretty good. As hot as vaginas are, they shouldn't burn. When I hear the word “burning,” it raises a red flag. There are a couple of things to consider. First, does the burn occur in the same area in her vagina? It’s possible there is a tear or related issue inside her vaginal canal and sex irritates it. Another possibility is the presence of an infection. She would benefit by seeing a MD for a pelvic exam to rule out both these possibilities. She may also be allergic to the lube or the latex condom. You can experiment by rubbing a condom and lube on her inner forearm and see if any irritation develops. If so, experiment with different types of lubes/condom material. Some lubes have sugar additives, flavors, and spermicides that bother vaginas. Just about anything can make the vagina extra sensitive. I’d suggest analyzing anything that comes in contact with her vagina, especially new products, and pay close attention to how her vagina reacts. Yes, you’re homework assignment is to pay extra attention to your wife’s vagina. I’m sure you’ll get an A on this assignment. Find out what happens when you wear the wrong condom size... The idea that a condom is the wrong size is more a mental fear than a reality, though it is important to make sure condoms are comfortable and securely fastened to the penis. But does size really matter for condoms? There’s only a slight difference in length and girth when comparing different condom sizes. I can take any condom and fit it on my penis, my arm and even over my head, regardless of its size (search “condom head” on YouTube for proof). Believe me, condoms can stretch to fit over any penis. Sure the magnum may feel more snug to the well-endowed guy, but is “snug” really the word you want to use to describe your condom grip? I prefer “tight,” “impenetrable” and “holding on for dear life” as condom descriptions. Regardless, each person is different, and it's important to make sure the condom isn’t going to slide off or irritate the penis. Some condom size difficulties can include a too-tight feeling, slipping off if the erection softens and discomfort. Testing out a few different condom brands through masturbations always a wise thing to do before wearing one out in the field.

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